When You’re Missing A Piece of the Puzzle…

We are on a puzzle kick in our house, both metaphorically (see the last two posts here and here), and literally.

First we did this one, which we started Sunday evening last week.

After a week and 1499 pieces, we realized we were missing a piece.

So tonight we chose an easier one, and it seemed to be coming together well…


You know me…I like to look deeper into things. What's the message? There is always a lesson to be learned, a deeper meaning, if we look for it.

In life we love to sometimes have all the answers. But sometimes we just need to go with the flow and take things for what they are. We need to just work with what we have, like we do with a puzzle, and keep going until we get to the end.

I'm not sure what lies around the corner, but I know with this next leg of my journey I am going to just walk as the wind leads and plan as I go. I'm not going to question every decision and overthink things. I am not going to worry or overplan. Instead I am going to take my pieces and start laying them down.

Because after all, what's the worst that happens? I get to the end and realize I am missing a piece? When that happens, you usually find the missing piece was just dropped along the way.

Like the butterfly puzzle, for which we had simply dropped a piece between the vision and back of one of the dining chair. Things have a way of working out when we trust and believe.

So next time you feel like you are missing a piece of your puzzle, whether it's a decision you need to make or a journey you feel a bit lost on, look around and see who or what around you may contain the missing piece to help you complete your puzzle.

Until next time,

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