When You Realize Someone Is In Your Blind Spot…

I’ve been working on this poem since June. I think I’m getting closer to finishing it. What do you think? Where can I improve it?

My Blind Spot

I see the best

The beautiful

The amazing

I see the good

The laughter

The moments

And it causes me not to see behind me, or the places to the left or to the right.

Since when does keeping my eyes straight ahead lead me to miss what’s right in front of me? 

How did I not hear the questions in the conversations? 

How did I not know this was going on? 

I thought purpose was overtaking the demons… 

But the demons’ hold has been too strong. 

Overtaking each successful moment

Leading to a place of destruction

A place where purpose and all else are gone…

And only death exists. 

But my God conquered death and demons, 

Sending them back to hell.

So why do we kept fighting His battles?

Ones He has already won? 

How does one get to place where the call of God is stronger than the demon inside?

How does one move past the pull of sin into the love of God…

Arms wide open yet there is something between here and there…

This place of self-destruction because the life one once knew calls to the flesh

And is louder than the sound of God’s tears hitting the floor.

He is my blind spot

That place I don’t want to see

The place I can’t see.

He is that car that pulls alongside me and rides where I can’t see him

The one who pulls into your lane when you least expect it and causes you to question all that you once answered….

The person who challenges everything you believed and becomes everything you never knew you always needed in your life.

My blind spot… The place I can’t see though I try. 

My blind spot… The place I’m tired of looking at before every move. 

The demon’s pull and I don’t know how to help

I don’t know how to call them out and ensure he isn’t tormented forever

To see the look in his eyes

To see him look right at me and not recognize me… 

To see the tears and pain 

The shame and anger 

How can one live with these demons?

How does a friend help?

How do you love someone through it?

How do you help life someone out of the pit when you can’t see what’s coming alongside you? 

Helpless, calling out and getting nowhere

The torment is there and the heart is crying out

But how does one overtake the pull of devil when it’s stronger than an army of 3000?

I try to pray and submit, 

To overcome the pull with love 

But every time the pull calls my phone goes silent.

Funny how I’m expected to be there when life is good 

But am just supposed to stand by and pray while sin occurs.

How does a friend stand up to the demons without succumbing herself? 

Without his battle becoming hers?

God’s tears mix in with the sweat from the constant wondering:

What will tonight bring?

Will he choose the right path today?

How will this situation turn out?

When will he rise like Job instead of succumbing like Eve?

And with every drop of sweat and every spilled tear,

She stands by praying and believing that TODAY is the day!

She pulls her armor on and suits up.

Ready to step onto the battlefield.

For today is the day they will not win.

For today is the day he will conquer them and celebrate victory.

But once again she sits

By a bed

Holding a hand


And with each beat of his heart she tells cries out to the Lord.

And with each beat she prays. 

He is my blind spot

That place I don’t want to see

The place I can’t see.

He is that car that pulls alongside me and rides where I can’t see him

The one who pulls into your lane when you least expect it and causes you to question all that you once answered….

The person who challenges everything you believed and becomes everything you never knew you always needed in your life.

My blind spot… The place I can’t see though I try. 

My blind spot… The place I’m tired of looking at before every move. 

Alas, the moment comes when he is tempted and reaches out to her

He calls to say he needs help

He needs to win the battle

But he doesn’t know how.

She assures him together they will rise and together they will find a successful path.

With God, they move forward in prayer.

Each step purposefully planned and meticulously decided.

She smiles as she looks to her side and realized the beginning of the end has arrived.

There will be no more secret sins

No more nights away

No more cold with her heart from nights spend wondering where he went.

The demons will no longer win.

Battle flags are being waved and God is going to win this life!

She raises her hands to the heaven

As she walks in victory, 

Holding him up from behind

Allowing him to be the man he needs to be.

And as she does,

He finds his strength and realized his dreams.

He is no longer her blind spot but for front and center.

He is no longer sneaking up besides her but instead leading her into the future.

Together they rise.

Together they win.

And she is no longer afraid to look to the side. 

Instead she smiles as she praises and thanks God for sparing his life while he found his strength.

And they walk into their purpose together 

Knowing that others will be saved by their testimony.

Who is in your blind spot

That place you don’t want to see

The place you can’t see.

Who is like that car that pulls alongside you and rides where you can’t see it

The one who pulls into your lane when you least expect it and causes you to question all that you once answered….

The person who challenges everything you believed and becomes everything you never knew you always needed in your life.

Your blind spot… The place you can’t see though I try. 

Your blind spot… The place you’re tired of looking at before every move.
Identify this person today and reach out.

Don’t let another minute go by.

For in your blind spot resides someone who needs you

So they can move ahead

So they can get their life back on track.

Check your blind spot today 

So you can step fully into your purpose as you help someone get to theirs. 

Until next time,



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